5 Signs You May Be Suffering from Low Testosterone

Testosterone is the primary hormone that turns the teenage boy into a, well – a man. It contributes to body hair growth, deepening of the voice, decision making, protein synthesis (Increased muscle mass & physical strength), sеx drive, and fertility.A man’s testosterone level naturally drops as he ages. In fact, testosterone levels begin to decline gradually once a man hits 30, after peaking in the late teens and 20s. Some men may also experience low testosterone due to several factors such as regularly consuming processed foods, fluoride toothpastes , certain medications, weather conditions or stress.If you’re having trouble in the bedroom, lack of drive and constantly being tired, that’s just some of the possible signs that you have low testosterone levels. Many men with erectile dysfunction do have clinically low testosterone levels, but many men experience other uncomfortable symptoms, too such as decreased self-esteem (lack of confidence) as well as low energy levels.

Here at BetterMan Labs, we consider the following five signs as potential indicators of low testosterone levels.1.DECREASED INTEREST FOR INTIMACYAside from erectile dysfunction, you may just experience a decreased interest in having sex. Sexual desire can reduce as a natural effect of aging, but if your libido drops suddenly and drastically, it could be low testosterone levels.


Okay, losing just the hair on your head has a genetic component and can be a natural result of aging. But if you start to lose body and facial hair as well, low testosterone production may be to blame.


Low testosterone can cause a drop in your energy levels. You may feel exhausted even though you regularly get a full night’s sleep, or you find motivation to exercise or do other activities that are hard to muster.


Testosterone plays an important role in your body’s ability to build muscle. If you have low testosterone, though, muscle may be harder to pack on even if you’re spending time at the gym. Your body instead becomes adept at putting on body fat. You may even develop the dreaded man boob, which is called gynecomastia. We can help you with weight loss, whether or not it’s due to declining testosterone levels. 


Low testosterone levels can also cause changes in your mood. You may find yourself feeling depressed, irritable, or unable to focus. Testosterone loss may also contribute to a failing memory and overall cognitive decline as you age.

If you have some or all of these symptoms, you should consider getting your testosterone levels checked. We would also recommend you to make some lifestyle changes that will help you to improve your overall health and well-being which will result in increased testosterone levels.

Luckily, Recent Studies Confirm - A Natural Cure for Low Testosterone Has Been Found

A magical plant is a symbol of power for primal men in Malaysia.

Far away in the hot rainforests of Malaysia grows a potent aphrodisiac plant called Eurycoma Longifolia. Or as known outside of the science world - Tongkat Ali

The 10-meter-high unbranched magical tree has an interesting name. The word “Tongkat” means a walking stick, which was a common tool used by Malaysian men. Thus, the literal translation of Tongkat Ali is “Ali’s walking stick”.

The plant  has a long history in Malaysian culture which dates back to the 12th century.

Numerous scientific studies back up the health benefits of Tongkat Ali

A study was conducted by BioMed Central Ltd which aimed to evaluate whether the herbal extract could have a positive effect on testosterone levels.

According to the study, the Eurycoma peptides contained in Tongkat Ali stimulate the release of “free” testosterone. In a sense, the peptides are not a testosterone “booster” but rather a testosterone “maintainer”.

This makes the herb perfect for individuals with T-levels below the norm.

A series of animal feeding studies and human supplementation trials have investigated the potential benefits of the “Asian Viagra”, as the plant was called by the UK Sunday Times.

The results might surprise you!The trials resulted in a 37% increase in testosterone production in just 38 days!Moreover, the examined individuals showed a decline in stress levels and fatigue and an improvement in the overall psychological mood state and energy levels.The BetterMan Testosterone Booster contains 100% Premium Herbal blend from Tongkat Ali cultivated from the understorey of lowland forests in Malaysia, planted in acidic, well-drained soil which guarantees the best possible quality in the world. You can try out The BetterMan Testosterone Booster with 10% OFF including Free Next Business Day Delivery with code BM10 Applied on checkout.